Episode 249: La Vita e' Bella (Life is Beautiful)

We have something truly special for this week's installment of #whatsavesus. FoG Staffers Asia Swartzentruber and Vera Goudie are your special EXCLUSIVE hosts this week with special guest Jess Fischli for a lovely and heartfelt discussion about Roberto Benigni's critically acclaimed and controversial film La Vita e' Bella (LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL). Set in the Italian countryside, what begins as a lovely romantic comedy soon takes on a darker sheen as the dangers of World War II threaten to destroy a family, forcing a father to do the only thing he knows how to do to protect his son's heart from the horrors around him -- convince him that it is all merely an elaborate game. At turns heartwarming and heartbreaking, in nearly equal measure challenging and inspiring, La Vita e' Bella stirred controversy upon its release with some claiming it made light of a tremendous tragedy while others praised its willingness to create a kind of fairy-tale about the power of finding joy amidst unspeakable tragedy.

It is an incredibly effective film, and Vera, Jess, and Asia have an absolutely wonderful conversation about it which you do NOT want to miss.