Episode 248: The Mission

We're back this week with a particularly heartfelt and lovely film in our ongoing but temporary series called #whatsavesus, where we briefly intermission our usual excursions into horror to look at films beyond that genre. This week's film by Roland Joffe is called THE MISSION, starring Jeremy Irons and Robert DeNiro. It's an achingly beautiful and often melancholy exploration of the efforts of a small group of Jesuit priests to establish and defend a mission among an indigenous South American community from the political and institutionally religious forces which would uproot, enslave, and destroy them. At times profoundly inspiring and painfully sorrowful, the film evokes a vulnerable and honest conversation about Christ's place in this world, within and often despite the larger understanding of "the church".

Including a brief excursion through Richmond once again for TED LASSO Season 2, episodes 3 & 4, this is a film we strongly encourage you to see and a conversation we think you won't want to miss.