Episode 250: Calvary

We have a very hearty conversation this week for an absolutely incredible film on #whatsavesus. CALVARY, written and directed by John Michael McDonagh and starring Brendan Gleeson is a complex film with a very simple premise: a man who has suffered years of abuse as a child at the hands of a priest determines that he will kill the innocent local priest in retribution. The priest (Gleeson) has one week to set his affairs in order, and he spends that week continuing to pastor the eclectic, often very cynical people of the town, hoping to do some good before he must face his threatened end. The film confronts the burden of a broken world and the fractures of a broken church with startling insight, disarming wit, and profound sense of humanity. It is a film of remarkable power, unlikely to be forgotten once you've seen it.

We have a challenging and hopeful discussion about it; one we think you won't want to miss.