Mad Max: The Road Warrior

It's time for the next track in our #mixtape as we make our way through some of the influences of the TV series Stranger Things. Here, we have a very special conversation as we invite guest Ian Olson to discuss THE ROAD WARRIOR, as well as his enthusiastic thoughts on the entire Mad Max franchise. What emerges from all the dust and fire and gasoline is a compelling portrait of a man who is not a hero, but constantly finds himself in situations where a choice of heroism is thrust upon him. This is distilled specifically in The Road Warrior but our dialogue carries us all the way through Thunderdome and Fury Road as well on our way to discovering that sometimes it's not about being a hero, it's just about making a difference.

Also featuring a Patron-only segment with horror enneagrammarian and Quarterly Queen Asia Swartzentruber about STRANGER THINGS Season 4, Episode 6, this is a lively and fun conversation you won't want to miss and that we hope you enjoy.

Patron Only Segment: STRANGER THINGS, Season 4, Episode 6 (featuring Asia Swartzentruber) #tvguideposts

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