Episode 218: Rosemary's Baby

It's difficult to believe that after more than 4 years of horror-themed conversations, we still had yet to cover the landmark entry in the canon known as ROSEMARY'S BABY, but thanks to a submission of #whatscaresus by special guest Asia Swartzentruber, we finally get to have this discussion. And believe us when we say, it's a doozy.

In addition to exploring the film's myriad of complex themes and intricacies, we also have an honest look at the ways in which people of faith will often respond and react to what they consider "the work of the devil". While overt, more blatant displays of devilish theater may curl our hair, we are often painfully blind to the more insidious and subtle ways we are tempted and coerced into continued selfish and oppressive patterns that are far more devilish than pointy horns or yellow eyes. And perhaps directly confronting our presumptions and our own little rituals might just be the path back to something holy amidst something horrific.
