Episode 217: Child's Play

Hi, we're the Fear of God. Wanna play...? Well then you're in luck, because we're tagging back in on our umbrella series of #whatscaresus with a listener-requested entry to discuss Tom Holland's film featuring the one and only maniacal doll, Chucky: CHILD'S PLAY!

Featuring special effects that remain impressive more than 20 years later and a main villain with the staying power for 6 sequels and a remake, Child's Play works on its surface as a top-notch slasher thriller, but also has some fascinating considerations under its surface, including the careleness with which we sometimes invite harm into our little worlds by simply not believing those who are warning us of imminent and severe danger.

It's a fun and thoughtful dollhouse we step into this week and we hope you enjoy it!

**Special note** -- This episode was recorded before we had seen Zack Snyder's Justice League or had confirmed that we would discuss it on an episode, hence our preliminary comments within this episode about it.
