Episode 244: The Addams Family

It's our favorite time of year!!! Time to get a little creepy and spooky and maybe even all together ooky! October kicks off by continuing our ongoing series on #whatsavesus, but THIS time with entries which are still in our old friend the horror genre. We start off with a feast of pure delight, the gleefully macabre film from 1991 about our favorite weird family, THE ADDAMS FAMILY. We're joined by our very own horror enneagrammarian Asia Swartzentruber to explore all the ways this film makes us laugh, gives us hope, and even has a thing or two to teach us about embracing difference.

This is a fun and hearty conversation (which also includes lots of love for The Gilmore Girls, Martin Short, and the new Netflix series Midnight Mass) and we hope you enjoy it!