Episode 166: Midsommar

It's time to take a little break from all this dark, horrific, nightmarish stuff and take a vacation out to the Swedish countryside for a little focused relaxation with the commune celebrating their-- wait a second... I've got a bad feeling about this. This week, we're joined once again by literary correspondent Meridith Curran as we dive feet first off the cliff into a deep discussion of Ari Aster's sophomore feature, MIDSOMMAR. Despite the pastoral beauty of the Horgath commune, things are not entirely what they seem and this dance around the Maypole might not end well. Meanwhile, we really hope you enjoy the discussion.

Other resources referenced in the episode:
-Locke and Key, both the graphic novel series and the Netflix show
-The Big Picture Podcast Episode from July 3, 2019, featuring an interview with Ari Aster