Stake Land

Taking a break from our series format, we're excited to bring you another #FoGgoweener: one-off episodes based on media that was recommended to us by our Patrons during our annual FoGgoween party. This week's entry is the indie vampire road movie, STAKE LAND, recommended to us by Continuity Guru Steve Beckley, who also guests with us for the conversation.

Stake Land takes a melancholy and thoughtful approach to its subject, delivering an occasionally horrific and just as often profound exploration of how both civilization and individuals change when the societal structures break down. It's also impressively insightful in its handling of politics, religion, violence, and hope, making it a real hidden gem for fans of our show.

Also featuring a Patron-only segment of Whatchas, this is an energizing conversation that we really hope you enjoy.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts here.