
It's a brand new year and a brand new month and the inaugural episode of a brand new series here at the Fear of God. We're kicking off a rundown of some of your favorite horror films of last year with #2021moretime. We start with your selection for the very best horror film of last year, James Wan's MALIGNANT! It's an absolutely bananas film which starts off rather predictably, but then swerves hard in all kinds of bonkers directions by the end. We have a lot of fun with this one unpacking the experience of seeing it for the first time, speculating on the potential sequels, and finally observing some surprisingly encouraging truths about the parts of ourselves we try very hard to deny, until the right trauma unleashes it on our little worlds, and how to finally integrate all of it back again. 

This is a really fun first entry to the new year and we hope you enjoy it!

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