Episode 221: Lake Mungo

Another installment for #whatscaresus produces one of our most personal and challenging conversations yet. LAKE MUNGO, written and directed by Joel Anderson, is a fictional documentary about the disappearance of a teen girl and her family's journey through the mystery of her death, the secrets she took with her to the grave, and the spectral shadows that haunt us all along our way. It's a unique approach to narrative horror and a special kind of experimental film. What the film prompts in us is a thoughtful conversation about reconciling our current self with our former self (and our future self); the ways we stage focal points in our lives while ignoring the much more vital periphery; and the difficult but necessary work of bringing ourselves to the place of each other's needs without merely trying to fix problems or force everything to make sense.

Even if you've never heard of or seen Lake Mungo, we encourage you to both seek out the film and hear our responding discussion. We think you'll be encouraged and challenged in equal measure and we hope you enjoy it.
