Quarterly King 8: Stephen King's The Dead Zone

Hello and welcome back to another installment of Quarterly King, an every-25-episodes-or-so exploration of the work of Stephen King. This release, corresponding by no coincidence at all with 2020's Election Day in America, we explore Stephen King's first #1 bestselling novel, THE DEAD ZONE, and the 1983 film adaptation starring Christopher Walken and directed by David Cronenberg.

We've gathered our usual QK cast together and a hearty discussion that kicks off almost immediately by unpacking the story's particularly impactful moments before diving into the rich themes the story wrestles with and forces us to wrestle with in turn. How are we expected to influence the conditions around us? What should we do when the struggle for good compels morally troublesome choices? And is there a hope or a way for us to find reconciliation and restoration in such difficult times as these?

This is a really hearty conversation, filled with vulnerability and humor and a heaping helping of bold explorations. We hope it will encourage and challenge you and we hope you enjoy it.
